Haven't posted for quite awhile, we have been busy getting ready for new laptops for the teachers and students. So much work gathering the old ones and getting them off to be recycled and then waiting for the new ones to come in. Anyway, I am looking at Twitter with new eyes. I have so enjoyed following all the tweets coming from NECC, you people are awesome. I am very jealous, but so glad there is a way to keep up with all the activity. I have really enjoyed twitter these last couple of days although I will admit that it has been time consuming because of the furious number of tweets coming in. I have also been exploring the idea of using Twitter in a school environment. Not so much with students, our teachers are just not ready to go there but as a communication tool for us and also for parents. I am not at all sure how that would work, and I am sure there would be some serious questions from admin types and also from parents. While social media is interesting many of them find it very scary! There are a lot of preconcieved notions to work through before that kind of thing can be adopted. I read some great articles on corporations adopting social media and their guidelines, I think these can be good tools to deal with many of the issues that are bound to crop up.
I was amazed to read about the many social networking tools that are being marketed to corporations now. Very Ning like in appearance, but of course with a cost. When you start seeing something developed as a product you know it is becoming mainstream! My aunt is using facebook, my very elderly aunt! She is now friends with my daughter and her husband on Facebook, how cool is that? THAT is mainstream.